Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Coming to an end...

To all my loyal readers,

I have come to the end of my geoengineering blog-posts for the moment.  I have learnt a lot and have enjoyed writing about it.  I hope you have enjoyed reading them and I appreciate all the discussions and comments you have provided me with along the journey.   I intend, to be able to continue blogging in the near future, when I have more free time. But, for now, I wish to leave you with the below illustrations and a quote to think about.

“We must be the change we wish to see in the world”

Source for all 4 illustrations: Cartoon Movement


  1. Sad to hear that your blog is coming to an end, I've learnt so much from it! I hope that you'll start blogging again in the future, especially as Geoengineering will only increase in relevance. That Gandhi quote is so poignant: we must take action - be it lobbying government, joining protests, blogging or starting our own initiatives!

    1. Hi Celia! Thank you for your lovely words! I do hope to start blogging again soon as it is such a current issue!

      As for the Gandhi quote, I completely agree with you! I think I interpret it in this case that no matter if we decide to undertake geoengineering processes or not we need to do something about climate change impacts now!

    2. Also thank you for always participating in conversations in the comment section! It is much appreciated!

  2. Hi Maria,
    Sorry to hear this is your last blog for a while! Like Celia said, your posts have certainly been an educational journey and one which I hope will become more valuable as discussions concerning geoengineering increase in future years as a potential solution to climate change mitigation.

    1. Hi Caitlin! I am very glad you have enjoyed my blog! I hope it has contributed in one way or another! I also want to thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and participate! It is much appreciated! Once we are a bit more relaxed with academic work I hope to be able to continue blogging :)

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